
This blog will contain many pieces of art which convey strong messages about society. Society is changing, in negatives and positive ways, and I’ve decided to express my feelings about society through this blog. In this blog, I have written poems which talk about the negative affects society has in people and how it affects all of us. I also have a few paintings and pieces of music which talk about and show very clearly the changes in society. My goal is for you to have a better understanding of society and help make the world a better place for us all.

What is Art?

The literal meaning of art is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” Art is how we express out thoughts, emotions, ideas, and desires. There are several different types of art, such as music, poetry, painting, sculpting, animation etc. If there is a way you find to express yourself or your ideas, it will be considered as art. There is a lot of natural art on earth, such as the circles inside of trees, or the formations of mountains. Art is everywhere.

“If we desire a society of peace, then we cannot achieve such a society through violence. If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society. If we desire a society that is democratic, then democracy must become a means as well as an end.” – Bayard Rustin


Mother Earth

Mother earth was a beautiful place

Back when the humans didn’t exist

Back when there was no plastic in the seas

Back when we still had green trees

Now she’s ruined

Filled with debris

And the humans left it

With nothing to see

Off to mars they were

Another planet to destroy

But they won’t change

They’ll still play with it like a toy

By the time they realize

how beautiful she was

it would be too late

to undo the damage, they have done

The poem above was inspired by the video below. It talks about how humans are slowly destroying the environment and taking no action to stop it. The poem is meant to inspire people to make a change in the world. The earth is being destroyed in order to please society, and my poetry can hopefully inspire you to make a change.

Change in society

When I go home 

I think about how society has changed 

How we became so judgemental 

How we became so ashamed 

When I go home 

I think of how everyone wants to die

How everyone hates themselves 

But doesn’t say why 

When I go home 

I think of how people think they’re fat 

How they think they’re ugly 

How they wish they could go back 

When I go home 

I think to myself 

About how we messed up 

Where did we go wrong?

“Change in Society” was inspired by real life events. Many teenagers in todays world are depressed because of how they look. Society has expectations for everyone to look a certain way, or at least try to. We have gotten to the point where we judge each other by our looks. This poem was written with the hope to inspire people not to care what others think and be who they want to be.

Blank Faces

I feel as though my soul has left my body

I am surrounded by nothing but darkness and hatred

I hate myself and everyone around me

I feel as though I am not perfect enough for everyone else

I am not good enough to be who everyone wants me to

And everyone hates me because of that

I feel lost in this swarm of blank faces

And I start to contemplate with myself

Whether I should end it all or not

This thing called society

Is not what it use to be

The poem “Blank Faces” was inspired by real life events. It talks about how society can lead to depression and suicide. Suicide is becoming a big cause of deaths around the world, and that is mainly because they do not reach society’s requirements. “Blank Faces” is written in the perspective of a deaf teenager who hates himself, especially his body. He constantly gets body shamed, leading him to depression, and eventually suicide, This poem shows how society can drive someone into ending their life.


High for hours

“High for Hours.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Jan. 2019,

High for hours is a song written by J. Cole in which the artist raps about his thought on revolution and his past. This song includes several references to real life situations why oh are changing society in a negative way. Cole also raps about his meeting with the president where he discusses the problems in today’s society and how they can be removed. Below is a short preview of the song.

Neighbors “J.Cole – 4 Your Eyez Only.”, 1 Jan. 1970,

“Recalling moving into a new neighborhood, Cole’s anecdote recalls a SWAT team busting down his recording studio doors in search for drugs. His relocation to a nice neighborhood posed a threat to residents, who assumed he was a dealer. Racial profiling is no stranger to the black or Muslim community and Cole paints one of the many horrific pictures people of color go through today.” – Billboard


The paintings below show how society has changed over the past few centuries. They show how humans think and how much we care about our environment. They show the errors we have in society. The pictures below have very powerful meanings and should inspire you to make a change.

“36 Brilliant Paintings That Describe Everything Wrong With The World Today.” Digital Synopsis,